Mountain View Health Centre

Patient Information

Here you can find out how to register at our practice and read other important information for patients.

You can find out more by clicking on the links.

Access Standards

A new set of standards were announced by the Minister of Health and Social Services in March 2019 that are aimed to raise and improve level of service for patients...

Access to medical records

The practice is registered and complies with the Data Protection Act 1998. Any request for access to notes by a patient, patient’s representative or outside body will be dealt with...

Appointment and Practice Activity Data

We will now be publishing our appointment and activity data monthly online. This is an illustration of the different methods of contact and tasks that our clinical and administrative staff...

Ask My GP

Ask My Gp is available Monday to Friday for patients to contact the surgery online.  Once the surgery has reached maximum capacity Ask My Gp will be closed so that...


Are you looking after or providing support for a relative friend or neighbour? Are you being helped or supported by a relative friend or neighbour? Your GP needs to know...

Complaints and compliments

At Mountain View Health Centre we have are friendly hard working team and aim to provide a high standard of care for all our patients but occasionally there may be...

Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 aims to produce a culture of openness in public bodies, by providing members of the public with the right to access information held. The...

How to register

You may register with the practice if you live within a two mile radius of Mayhill, Townhill, Cockett or Mount Pleasant. To register, you will be given a registration form and...

NHS Wales App

We are pleased to announce that you can now access health services from Mountain View Health Centre on the new NHS Wales App. The App is a simple and secure...

Patient confidentiality

We respect your right to privacy and keep all your health information confidential and secure. It is important that the NHS keeps accurate and up-to-date records about your health and...

Patient survey and results

Please see below the link for the results of NHS Wales Patient Experience Survey that we completed in October/November 2024.  Questionnaires were given to patients that attended for appointments with...

Publication Scheme

Introduction This example publication scheme has been created to outline the types of information that the Practice is expected to publish. The example is based upon the ICO model publication...

Social media patient policy

There are many social media platforms that are widely used by both staff and patients; these include Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn. Mountain View Health Centre has a duty...

Updating your details

As soon as you change your address, your name or change your telephone number you must call into the surgery to complete a “Change of Details” form at your earliest...

Useful Contacts

Swansea Social Services Swansea Social Services website is informative and helpful, offers support to vulnerable people in its community, whether to provide care or protection. The Social Services team work...

Violent or abusive behaviour

If any patient becomes abusive or violent to any doctor or any member of staff then that patient will be removed from the practice list as Mountain View health Centre...

Private Services & Costs

At Mountain View Health Centre we provide services that falls outside the GP Contract these are known as private services.  The list of services we provide are listed below: Private...

Date published: 8th October, 2014
Date last updated: 15th November, 2014