Important messages
Welcome to Mountain View Health Centre
How to use askmyGP
Mountain View Health Centre
51 Mayhill Road
West Glamorgan
Call: 01792 957600
Latest News
Monthly activity report for the month of November
Monthly activity report for the month of October
Surgery contact details
Out of Hours
The surgery is closed Monday to Friday from 6.30 pm to 8.00 am, Saturdays, Sundays and Bank Holidays.
If you need a doctor or advice during these times you can contact the Swansea Out of Hours Service on 111. You will firstly speak to a call operator who will ask you for details why you have called, you will then be either put through to a clinician or you will be called back.
Depending on the details provided you may be invited to see the doctor on duty at the Treatment Centre or you may be given advice.
Please do not attend the Treatment Centre without prior arrangement.
If you require any medical advice please telephone NHS DIRECT on 0845 46 47
Who should I see?
If you are experiencing severe chest pain, collapse, severe breathing difficulties, have one sided weakness or slurred speech or severe bleeding, please dial 999 immediately.
For minor conditions your local pharmacy offers free help and advice without the need for an appointment. You might also be able to get medication free of charge under the common ailments scheme. If needed, they will direct you to your GP.
If you just require information please visit the 111 website for all other enquiries please see the ‘Who should I see’ page here.
Thank you for all your help and stay safe.